But this isn't about narcissism, it's about humility. I so truly wish I had taken photos of my body before I embarked on this journey, but I didn't for two reasons: The first was that I couldn't bear to see on film just how far I had to go. There is something strange about looking at a 3D reflection of yourself in a mirror versus a 2D shot in a photograph. Somehow the photograph seems to be more telling of how you truly look. At least that's how I feel like it is. Anyhow, the second reason I didn't take "before" photos was because I have tried "dieting" so many times in the past, and failed miserably within the first 2 weeks, that I thought it would be stupid to try to be "all official" with this particular stint at dieting only to watch it fall to the wayside just like everything else I've tried to be official about in the past. Once I realized that I was going to make an honest effort at this diet/fitness program (about 3 weeks in, when I started logging my weight/body fat stats), I wasn't ready to potentially sabotage my efforts by, again, taking photos of my body and being discouraged by how awful I looked. Ignorance was my best tool at ensuring I stay motivated. But my advice to people just starting out is this - if I could go back and do it again, I would take "Before" picutres at the very beginning (and measurements!!!) and just not look at them. I could have easily done that on my digitial camera on a spare memory card and if I failed, delete the photos without ever looking at them. I really wish I had done that.
In any event, I did dig up some photos from years past which give an indication of how soft I had become (in addition to those I already posted HERE):
(ps, I'm a goof ball. For all the ensuing progress photos that I'll be sharing on this blog, I can assure you cross-eyed monkey faces will be used in all of them :D)
The following sequence of photos were taken on April 8th / the last day of Week 10
The following sequence of photos were taken on May 6th / end of Week 14
So, there you have it. I'm a real-life blogger on a real-life mission with real-life evidence of real-life results!!!!!
And I can tell you this - I'm nowhere near where I want to be. And yes, I've been at this for 14.5 weeks, and perhaps I'm not achieving results as fast as some people, but I'll tell you this - I won't stop until I've made it to the finish line. I know I have a lot of work to lose that hip fat, but dammit, I'm going to achieve it. I BELIEVE!! :D
And once the fat loss cycle is done with, the muscle gain cycle will begin, and a whole new series of befores and afters will make the journey that much more fun :)
So, here's to enjoying this body now because it's only going to be here for a short while longer :))
OH! And, week 15 stats :)
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